European leaders still not fully embracing automation

Although enterprises have undergone digital transformations over the past two years, many IT leaders haven’t automated workflow or digitise manual processes yet.

Indeed, a recent study by Opinium showed that most European employees think that digitising processes enhances their work and helps them focus on the tasks that matter. More than two-thirds believe that automating processes can make their work better and more productive.

However, only 11% of office workers have access t

o workflow automation tools, and 44% said there was no change in their company’s investment in tools to automate tasks or processes in the past year. One reason for this might be the complexity of technology platforms and tools expected to be implemented, which could increase their workload instead of streamlining it. Another is the lack of funding to automate most processes.

Hence, it is vital that IT leaders find the right balance between manual and automation within their businesses so as to not overload their workers and aim toward long-term hybrid working stra

tegies to improve productivity and efficiency.


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