10th October 2023

Quality Engineering Re-imagined | The future of testing

Cognizant London HQ – 280 Bishopsgate, EC2M 4RB - London


As enterprises simplify, modernize and secure their legacy environments for the digital era, robust quality assurance (QA) is essential.

Quality takes an end-to-end connotation and must straddle both legacy and digital systems. ‘Quality Engineering Re-imagined’ looks to the future of testing and how industries can learn from each other and take advantage of technological advancement.

We are delighted to welcome Chirajeet Sengupta from Everest who will speak about the power of emerging technologies in quality engineering, especially in the age of Gen AI.  

A panel of industry experts alongside Cognizant and Tricentis will also share their insights around the evolution of testing.

The forum will bring together senior professionals from the technology and testing communities, to discuss and network around the evolution of QEA.

Event Speakers

Chirajeet Sengupta

Global Technology Services Practice Lead

Everest Group

Andreas Golze

Global Practice Head, Quality & Assurance


Event Schedule

4 PM
4.30 PM
Welcome by Andreas Golze
Global Practice Head, Quality & Assurance | Cognizant
4.45 PM
Keynote Speaker
Power of emerging technologies in quality engineering by Chirajeet Sengupta (CJ) - Everest
5.15 PM
Panel Discussion (Panellists: Andreas Golze – Cognizant | Tricentis and 2 clients
The future of quality engineering | Evolution of testing into the new world of AI, Robotics, Automation | Insights & Stories
5.50 PM
Drinks + Canapes
7 PM

Register Now


$ 500
  • Available tickets for this price
  • Two Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break & Networking
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Talking the Editors Session

Register Now




Cognizant London HQ

280 Bishopsgate, EC2M 4RB - London

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