With COVID-19 affecting all our lives over the last year I can honestly say how taken aback I was at the resilience,
determination and commitment of our industry as the entries continued to flood in during the autumn for the 2021 North American Software Testing Awards. To then see the vigour and determination that our judges showed as they keenly assessed the fine work and projects that had been submitted was quite frankly humbling.
To then think on all the challenges each individual, each team, and each business faced to enter this programme – above all the other challenges companies have faced this year has left me astounded. As such my team and I cannot thank you all enough for your commitment and support of the North American Software Testing Awards 2021, it really is an honour to work with you all.
So from all here at 31 Media THANK YOU once again and hearty congratulations to all the winners and those that were highly commended. If you’re fortunate enough to be a winner, please note you will receive your winners’ certificate shortly, the same applies to highly commended. In terms of trophies, we have postponed the physical trophy giving until the end of the first day at the National Software Testing Conference so we can all join together for what will be the first time in many months to recognise and award excellence in this special industry.
I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and I very much look forward t
o welcoming you back to our events later in 2022.
Best wishes