
QA Mentor

QA Mentor is multi-awards winning a CMMI Level appraised, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20000-1 certified leading software testing company headquartered in New York. With 400+ global QA resources in 11 different countries offering more than 30 QA Testing Services and covering all time zones, QA Mentor is a global leader in Software Quality Assurance and Testing space. Serving 475 clients from Fortune 500 to start ups in 28 countries, QA Mentor supports applications in 9 different industries. With unique products propositions from a crowdsourcing platform with a pool of 12,000 crowdsourced testers to our own test management platform, unique and economical services offerings and QA education from e-learning and corporate training, QA Mentor is your trusted Quality Assurance Partner.

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