Book A Table

VIP Table Plus
(10 Seats)
£6,560 (+ TAX)

 Table allocated directly in front of stage

 Middle of the stage (limited number available)

Pre-awards drink reception with unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks 

 Guaranteed prime table position

 Three-course seated dinner with coffee and petit fours

Unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks

 2 x bottles of champagne

 Professional photograph of you and your guests (made available post-event digitally)

 After-dinner entertainment with open bar until midnight

VIP Table
(10 Seats)
£5,975 (+TAX) 

 Pre-awards drink reception with unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks

 Guaranteed prime table position

 Three-course seated dinner with coffee and petit fours

 Unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks

 2 x bottles of champagne

 Professional photograph of you and your guests (made available post-event digitally)

 After-dinner entertainment with open bar until midnight

Standard Table
(10 Seats)
£5,300 (+ TAX)

 Pre-awards drinks reception access

 Three-course seated dinner with coffee and petit fours

Unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks  

 After-dinner entertainment with open bar until midnight

Book A Seat

VIP Seat
(1 Seats)
£645 (+ TAX)

Pre-awards drink reception with unlimited house wine, beer/lager, soft drinks

 Guaranteed prime table position

 Three-course seated dinner with coffee and petit fours

 All-inclusive house wine, bottled beer & soft drinks

 2 x glasses of champagne

 Professional photograph of you and your guests (made available post-event digitally)

 After-dinner entertainment with open bar until midnight

Standard Seat
(1 Seat)
£590 (+ TAX)

 Pre-awards reception access

 Three-course seated dinner with coffee and petit fours

 All-inclusive house wine, bottled beer & soft drinks

 After-dinner entertainment with open bar until midnight




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