Leading vendor – Tools & Technology

Entries will demonst

rate evidence of the following:
Judges will be looking for:

  • How the use of tools and technology has changed the outcomes for their client/customer. This should be clear and unambiguous. Statistics and numbers should be used to show the impact (this might be time, cost, sales or market improvement, or something more personal such as staff wellbeing or society impact).
  • What were the challenge

    s in implementing the solution? Demonstrate what was unique about this project. What were the expectations of the customer/client and how did the vendor meet or exceed these? Statistic are welcome but client/customer feedback is often more powerful in this element.

  • How will the techno

    logy or tools be maintained? Does this pose significant ongoing cost, support or unique skills? Is the client/customer well prepared for short, medium and long term usage of the solution?

  • Have the solutions provided new or unique ways of software testing that can help other clients or customers in the future?
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