As more and more businesses adopt digital transformation, cybercriminals are also picking up the speed and exploring vulnerabilities in the digital value chain.

Indeed, a recent study by CyberRes showed that North America suffered the most from cyber issues with 33.5% of attacks in 2021, closely followed by the Asia-Pacific region with 23.5% and Europe with 20%. Most of the cyberattacks were ransomware, which attacked principally the public sector.

Besides, it was also found that there was a 200% growth in cyberattacks in the financial sector, especially as almost 69% of the cyberattacks in North America were motivated by financial gain. For the Asio-Pacific region, 33% of the total cyberattacks were mostly meant for cyber espionage and then financial gain. Similarly, in the Middle East and Africa, 31% of cyberattacks were motivated by financial gain and political advantage.

In Europe, it was noticed that Germany and France were the most affected by cyberattacks. Hence, it was declared that everyone is at risk of feeling direct or indirect impacts from cyberattacks in 2022. It is then vital to maintaining a clear understanding of the current landscape, tactics, and threats that could be emerging.

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